Thursday, October 1, 2009


who doesn't like psp's well, people who don't like em.

Anyway Sony has brought out there latest creation the PSP GO

The psp GO has the original buttons but the analogue stick is in a place i don't think it should be but who cares its a psp whats also different is the look its much MUCH smaller than THE 3000 and weighs 160g that is light as, but also it slides up a bit like some phones would do ,also you can see on the first picture the home button is well, in a different place.
Anyway i think the psp go is an AMAZING product how about you?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

the twins transformers 2

the twins in trans formers 2, they are sooooooooooooo funny before they looked like that they were both one car (a very small ice cream car) they are new in transformers 2
and are pretty cool and i think the red one gets out of a huge decepticon and there really cool
your gonna like the movie.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

a letter to flying baseball player that loves to play with a yoyo

Dear baseball guy(with wings)

Hi baseball player,the last game I watched I saw you flying, that was pretty weird, and playing with a yoyo WHAT!
Any way nice 374 run homer,that was cool,but whats with the wings, yellow bad, come on black for crying out loud black is cool.But what else...oh yeah that's right ,that incident with the yoyo,that guy is going to have a BIG bump on his head.One question, whats your favourite ground to play on? Mine is the one you did the 374 run homer on,but apparently, you know how when the other players run and leave foot steps behind, yeah I didn't see any when you ran off.Nice game by the way.So what tricks can you do with your yoyo,I bet there cool.
Well anyway hope you get this letter.

call when ever you want: 8249861
your a bit weird,and cool.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

ferrari vs lamborghini


You choose,
who do you think would win FERRARI,or,LAMBORGHINI
comment and say what you think.

Friday, May 29, 2009

tranformers 2 bumblebee

bumblebee in transformers 2 is cool as!!!!!!
look at him, well not actually him but MEAN AS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can not wait until the movie is in the theatres i will definitely go watch it, will you?
Please comment and i will comment back
he is the SHIZZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S shamalama wants you to comment on other posts and this one thanks
go bumblebee!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

my superhero

what superpowers do they have?
he's steel, so when ever he gets shot at it doesn't hurt him,(but will leave a little dent).And has a cross bow,(which isn't really a superpower).
what adventures do they have?
glides from biulding to building,city to city fireing arrows from his cross bow at bad guys out in the streets.
what is thier aleter ego like?
strong, is constuction worker.So he can leave when ever hen wants.
do they have a side-kick?
write an incredible adventue for your superhero
Metelic arrow glided city to city fireing arrows at bad guys.Then BOOM! "an explosion" he said,off he went.Once he got there he saw a bank with a very big hole in it.Then he saw these ugly beasts, half something half man,with bags of money in thier hands.Then thier leader came out and said"hurry up and get those bags into that truck.And the bad guys were off,so he followed them and he won th crime fight.The end.
who is there arch enemy?
The evil guy? The leader of the ugly beasts.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the yummy pie

rotten eggs,spinach,hard cheese,hairy nachos,slimey sasuges,spew,alive worms,bark,grass,moldy old socks,dirt,flies,nose hair,ear wax,smelly fish,a mole,a scab,acid,cow stomach,horse hoof,flab,Lewis,moggots,teeth,and a soccer ball,rubber,bird poo,and a hole lot of blue pen ink.

Monday, March 30, 2009

my weekend

My weekend

In the weekend which was the 28th of March my friend Tane and his family came over, and my Mums friends with more kids came as well, we went to the cozzy club for the night and we had fun, Tane and I played pool as in pool table. Anyhow after that we walked home because we walked there (obvious) down the street we went, and then, my house we were at my house. We walked inside. My friend Tane and I played teken 5 (playstation 2).

Cool game man, unlocked more people, and yeah. I stayed up till 12:30, so I was very tired the day after. Yeah that was my Saturday. Then Sunday was usual,
Thanks for reading my recount. The end!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


lamborghini or other cars, well i think LAMBORGHINI!!!!
because they are MEAN AS! tell me what you think,
and a slideshow is right there next to the writing if you want to know what one of them look like,ok cool LAMBORGHINI'S RULE!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


rugby or not, comment and say what you think.
And i think rugby!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

psp,ps3,xbox 360,nintendo ds,nintendo wii.

PSP,PS3,xbox360,nintendo ds,NINTENDO WII.

The PSP is great for travel around the world its the best portable console you can get,you can have internet,movies,music,and games (obviously) ive got one of my own to and if any one else has one you are the bomb cause they are so cooooooool! and you can get a camera for the psp aswell, and allright graphics ,price, $283-$368
moving on to the PS3.
Coolest console ever,wireless controlers,movies,you can plug your PSP into it i dont what it does but must be something cool,the newest games out, there on the PS3, price, $600-$765,And one last thing about the PS3, you can get the best games for the PS3 and newest as i said before.And great graphics
and now the xbox 360, great console wireless controlers, aswell as the PS3, you can get the newest games out,heaps of games for this console,and this is the best selling console in stores.It is the second video game console released by microsoft. did you know before the xbox360 was revealed it was called xbox2,xenon,xbox next,next box and other weird names.One last coool thing about the xbox 360,it is a pretty cool console,and is competeing against the nintedo wii and sony playstation 3.
And now nintendo ds.
alright,worser than PSP i think,most likely some kids say PSP!!,and most likely some kids say nintendo ds! did you know that there is a new nintendo coming out and it is called the nintendo dsi, man and that is cool!!!! ive seen a video of it and it has a camera BUILT INTO IT and you can even play around with the photos like stretch it out,squeese it in and yeah pretty coooool!!!
And now the NINTENDO WII.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

cool tree house

hey everyone

across the road from me is my friends house, so it takes only 8-10 seconds to get there.
And he has a cool tree house he is going to have 2 windows one small one big, a kitchen. I dont know about the sink but yeah, and if we want to sleep in there we are going to have to get lots of mosquito nets, so we dont get bit.And in the future it
is going to be COOL! its going to be the best well im not sure about that but it is going to be cool!
does anyone else have a tree house because they are awsome!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Transformers is the best movie ever with a chev camaro concept [bumblebee],a hummer [ratchet],a pontiac solstice [jazz],a GMC topkick medium-duty truck [ironhide],and a big truck [optimus prime].In this movie it has lots and lots of action.And now.... this year, revenge is here with the biggest tranformer ever, probebly, mayby, i dont know TRANSFORMERS 2 REVENGE OF THE FALLEN.Now this is going to be good. 26/6/09 June
.Best movie ever!!! dont forget.
heres a trailer of it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

you like the cars on the side there cool ay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!