Sunday, March 15, 2009

cool tree house

hey everyone

across the road from me is my friends house, so it takes only 8-10 seconds to get there.
And he has a cool tree house he is going to have 2 windows one small one big, a kitchen. I dont know about the sink but yeah, and if we want to sleep in there we are going to have to get lots of mosquito nets, so we dont get bit.And in the future it
is going to be COOL! its going to be the best well im not sure about that but it is going to be cool!
does anyone else have a tree house because they are awsome!!


  1. I don't really like treehouses,Because once i tryed to fly off my treehouse but instead i broke my arm,but i still think there cool and i like the photo's of the lmborghini's.

  2. I can't see the tree house image but I like treehouses... Oh... I just remembered...can you follow my blog?
