Sunday, June 21, 2009

a letter to flying baseball player that loves to play with a yoyo

Dear baseball guy(with wings)

Hi baseball player,the last game I watched I saw you flying, that was pretty weird, and playing with a yoyo WHAT!
Any way nice 374 run homer,that was cool,but whats with the wings, yellow bad, come on black for crying out loud black is cool.But what else...oh yeah that's right ,that incident with the yoyo,that guy is going to have a BIG bump on his head.One question, whats your favourite ground to play on? Mine is the one you did the 374 run homer on,but apparently, you know how when the other players run and leave foot steps behind, yeah I didn't see any when you ran off.Nice game by the way.So what tricks can you do with your yoyo,I bet there cool.
Well anyway hope you get this letter.

call when ever you want: 8249861
your a bit weird,and cool.