Saturday, May 30, 2009

ferrari vs lamborghini


You choose,
who do you think would win FERRARI,or,LAMBORGHINI
comment and say what you think.

Friday, May 29, 2009

tranformers 2 bumblebee

bumblebee in transformers 2 is cool as!!!!!!
look at him, well not actually him but MEAN AS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can not wait until the movie is in the theatres i will definitely go watch it, will you?
Please comment and i will comment back
he is the SHIZZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S shamalama wants you to comment on other posts and this one thanks
go bumblebee!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

my superhero

what superpowers do they have?
he's steel, so when ever he gets shot at it doesn't hurt him,(but will leave a little dent).And has a cross bow,(which isn't really a superpower).
what adventures do they have?
glides from biulding to building,city to city fireing arrows from his cross bow at bad guys out in the streets.
what is thier aleter ego like?
strong, is constuction worker.So he can leave when ever hen wants.
do they have a side-kick?
write an incredible adventue for your superhero
Metelic arrow glided city to city fireing arrows at bad guys.Then BOOM! "an explosion" he said,off he went.Once he got there he saw a bank with a very big hole in it.Then he saw these ugly beasts, half something half man,with bags of money in thier hands.Then thier leader came out and said"hurry up and get those bags into that truck.And the bad guys were off,so he followed them and he won th crime fight.The end.
who is there arch enemy?
The evil guy? The leader of the ugly beasts.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

the yummy pie

rotten eggs,spinach,hard cheese,hairy nachos,slimey sasuges,spew,alive worms,bark,grass,moldy old socks,dirt,flies,nose hair,ear wax,smelly fish,a mole,a scab,acid,cow stomach,horse hoof,flab,Lewis,moggots,teeth,and a soccer ball,rubber,bird poo,and a hole lot of blue pen ink.